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Frequently asked questions

Seed Certification

1. What is the registration fee for the sowing report per se?

    The registration fee for per sowing report is Rs. 25/-

2. What is the inspection fee for the crops ?

    i) Paddy, Millets – Rs. 60 per acre

    ii) Pulses & oilseeds – Rs. 50 per acre

    iii) Hybrid Paddy, Hybrid Millets, Hybrid pulses, Hybrid oilseeds –Rs.130per acre.

    iv) Cotton Variety – Rs. 80/acre. Hybrid – Rs. 250/acre

    v) Vegetables –Rs.130 to Rs.150 per acre.

    vi) Hybrid Vegetables – Rs. 250 to Rs. 300per acre.

3. What is the analytical fee for a seed lot ?

    The analytical fee for a seed lot is Rs.30/-

4. What are all the pre requisites for sowing report registration?

    i) Registered Sowing report on SPECS portal.

    ii) Bill of the Source seed

    iii) Tags used for the seed farm

    iv) Seed farm map.

5. What are all the norms for field inspection?

    i) Self pollinated crops – Flowering and Seed Maturity

    ii) Cross pollinated crops – Vegetative, Flowering and Seed maturity.

Seed Quality Control

1. Is it Licence necessary for Seed Business?

Seeds were declared as “Essential Commodities” under Essential Commodities Act 1955 by Government of India and subsequently Seeds (control) Order 1983 was promulgated which mandates licence for Seed Business.

2. To whom we have to apply for getting Seed Selling Licence?

In Tamil Nadu under Seeds (Control) Order 1983, Deputy Directors of Seed Inspection were declared as Licensing Authorities having Jurisdiction of 2 adjacent districts. Deputy Directors of Seed Inspection having jurisdiction of the particular District which we can see in the SPECS Portal.

3. What are the documents required for getting Seed Selling Licence?

• Application in “Form A”

• Licence fee is Rs 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) which has to be remitted via Government Challan in the following Head of Account “0435-00-102AF-2729” and Original challan has to be attached.

• Copy of the receipt of property Tax for current year,

• Rental agreement copy, If it is rental building,

• Copy of the receipt of property Tax for current year remitted by the owner of the building,

• Copy of partnership deed if is a partnership firm,

• Copy of memorandum of Articles of Association if it is a company.

• Aathar Card of Applicant

4. What is the Validity of Seed Selling Licence?

Seed Selling Licence is valid for 5 years from the date of grant and expiry date will be mentioned clearly in the Licence.

5. What are the documents required for renewing the licence?

For renewing Seed Selling Licence, It has to be applied in “Form C”. Licence renewal fee is Rs 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) which has to be remitted via Government Challan in the following Head of Account “0435-00-102AF-2729” and Original challan has to be attached. Other Documents required are Copy of the receipt of property Tax for current year, If it is rental building, Rental agreement copy and Copy of the receipt of property Tax for current year remitted by the owner of the building, partnership deed copy if is a partnership firm, Copy of memorandum of Articles of Association if it is a company.

6. Can we store seeds in Additional Godown?

Seed Selling Licence is granted to a particular person for a particular Place only. You can store seeds only in the additional storage godowns endorsed in the licence. Storing other than that places is an offence. There should not be any billing in the storage godowns .

7. What are the documents required to be kept by Seed Selling licence holder?

• Seed Selling Licence should be displayed in a conspicuous place of the shop

• Seed Stock Register has to maintained with daily updating the transactions

Incoming and Outgoing Invoices has to be maintained properly

• Stock and Price board has to be maintained daily.

• A sample size of seeds of Lot numbers being sold has to be kept for one year.

8. How Seed Selling invoice has to be issued?

In the invoice, Seed Selling Licence number is to be printed clearly. Date of Invoice, Purchaser Details, Crop, Variety, Stage, Lot Number, Expiry date, quantity of purchase, Value are to be mentioned.
If it is a Whole sale invoice, purchasing firm’s seed selling licence number has to be clearly mentioned. For retail sales, the purchaser signature has to be obtained.

9. What is the expiry period of a seed?

Validity period is 9 months from the date of test for any seed.

10. What are all the details to be mentioned in the producer label?

The following details are to be printed in the Producer label. They are Label Serial Number, Kind, Variety, Lot Number, Date of test, Expiry Date, Germination Percentage (Min), Physical purity (Min), Genetic Purity (Min), Weight, Chemicals Added, Producer details, Recommended Area and recommended Season.

11. What is Stop sale Order?

Violation of the provisions of the Seeds Act 1966 and Seeds Rules 1968 and while inspection, Seed inspector has the reason to believe that an offence under the act is committed or is being committed, Stop sale order is issued under Section 14(1)(c) of the Seeds Act 1966 in writing not to dispose the stock for a period of 30 days. Without prejudice to the institution of prosecution, Stop sale order can be revoked if the offence is rectified.

Seed Testing

1. What is the importance of Seed Testing?

Seed testing is required to assess the seed quality attributes of the seed lots which have to be offered for sale.
Which increase the yield upto 20-25% and reduce the Input cost of the seed.

2. Who are all give the Seed samples for Testing?

Persons holding Seeds will give the seed samples for testing to know the quality of the seeds.

3. What are the tests carried out in Seed Testing?

Seed moisture content, Germination and vigour, Physical and Genetic purity, freedom from seed borne diseases and insect infestation.

4. Is there any charges for Seed Testing ? How much ?

Yes. The Charges for Seed testing is Rs.30/-per sample

5. Where to send the seed samples for testing?

Submit the Seed samples for testing to the concerned District Seed Testing

6. what are the details to be furnished with the seed samples?

Submit the seed samples along with the following details ,Seed sample sender's Name, Address, Mobile Number, Kind of seed sample, Name of the crop, Variety, Stage (F,C,TFL) and Tests required along with the Testing charges of Rs.30/- per sample.

7. When we get the result for seed samples?

Result will be declared within 30 Days from the receipt of the sample.

8. How can get the seed samples results?

Seed samples results are available with concerned lab, send through post and E-mail.

9. On which Rules Seed Testing results were confirmed ?

The seed testing is carried out as per the Indian Minimum Seed Certification Standards (IMSCS).