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Seed Testing

Seed quality describes the potential performance of a seed lot viz., trueness to variety, germination potential, vigour and devoid of inert matter, other crop seeds, weed seeds and disease incidence. Seed testing is an inevitable tool to determine if seed meets prescribed quality standards, thereby assess their suitability for planting and to minimise the risks of planting low quality seeds. Also, it helps to determine the need for drying and processing and specific procedures that should be used.

There are 33 notified STLs functioning in Tamilnadu viz., 29 Seed Testing laboratories in different districts, 1 Grow out test farm, 1 DNA Finger Printing Laboratory, 1 State Referral Seed Testing laboratory and 1 Bt testing laboratory in Coimbatore under the control of the Directorate.

The 29 notified Seed Testing Laboratories functioning at district level ascertains seed qualities viz., Moisture, Physical purity and Germination as per the Indian Minimum Seed Certification Standards (IMSCS). Certified seed samples of the seed certification wing and Official samples of the seed quality control wing are received and tested in the notified seed testing laboratories.


The seed testing laboratory functioning in Coimbatore is a member of International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), zurich, Switzerland since 2007. This laboratory got the accreditation from ‘International Seed Testing Association’ (ISTA) in the year of 2014 and reaccreditated during the year 2017. The Seed Testing Laboratory IN 16, Coimbatore is the only public sector laboratory in India having accreditation for ISTA. This Laboratory has the facilities and technical competence to analyse seed samples to International standards and it was awarded with “The Best Performing Laboratory in India” by the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers welfare.

This laboratory is accreditated for the scope of germination, Other Crop Seeds (OCS) and physical purity test for crops like cereals, pulses and vegetables and also sampling of seed lots. Being an ISTA accreditated laboratory it is authorized to issue Orange International Seed lot certificates (OIC) and Blue International seed sample certificates (BIC) to the seed exporters which ensures seed quality to International standards. Till date 79 certificates have been issued and the Seed exporters were benefited by this laboratory.

There is a growing demand in the International Seed Market for vegetable seeds. The ISTA accredited Seed Testing Laboratory of Coimbatore is the gateway, even for small entrepreneurs to become exporters.


A technique called Grow out Test is used to assess the genetic purity of crop varieties/Hybrids under field condition to ascertain the trueness of a variety or Hybrid . In Grow Out Test, plots are examined throughout the growing season with a special emphasis during flowering to maturity, plants are examined for the distinguishing morphological characters and screened for genetic purity. The officials of Seed certification and Seed law enforcement wings of the department periodically send seed samples to the Grow out Test farm for assessing genetic purity of seeds to ascertain the trueness of seed. On an average, 3600 samples are tested every year in Grow Out Farm.


This Laboratory attached to the Directorate of Seed certification and Organic certification analyze the Bt toxin of cotton seeds sent by the Seed Inspectors. On an average, 2000 seed samples are tested in cotton for presence of Bt toxin every year.


This laboratory functions in the premises of the Directorate of Seed Certification and Organic Certification, Coimbatore to monitor and maintain uniformity for accuracy in analysis among notified Seed Testing laboratories functioning at district level in the state. On an average, 1500 referral samples are tested every year in this laboratory.


In order to enhance the production and distribution of quality seeds to the farming community, a state of art Hi-tech DNA Finger Print Laboratory has been established in the Directorate of Seed Certification and Organic Certification, Coimbatore, under Central Sector Schemes during the year 2007. DNA Finger Print technique helps in detection of genetic purity of a crop variety within a short span of time (3-4days) against the Grow Out Test which will take a season to complete the genetic test. This DNA Finger Print Laboratory is first of its kind in the country and has been notified during 2014 as “State DNA Finger Print Laboratory” by Tamil Nadu Government. This laboratory has a potential to ensure the genetic purity of 21 notified paddy varieties by using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers which are prominently cultivated in the State.



Seed Testing

Seed Testing

Seed Testing

Seed Testing

Seed Testing

Seed Testing

Seed Testing

Seed Testing

Seed Testing